Aprende idiomas con Netflix, YouTube, videos entretenidos y más
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La experiencia central de FluentU de aprender un idioma con videos interesantes, poder identificar, manejar y descifrar cada palabra, y luego repasarlo todo automáticamente tarjetas de vocabulario especializadas ha sido... sensacional.
En 2001 me obsesioné con el aprendizaje de chino, japonés y coreano, y logré volverme lo suficientemente bueno como para trabajar profesionalmente en esos idiomas como consultor en gestión.
Fundé FluentU para crear un nuevo tipo de aplicación para aprender idiomas.
FluentU is a great method to learn a foreign language. We watch videos with subtitles and at any time, we can stop the video if we don't understand a word or an expression. We click on for additional explanations. Then, we have a quiz to work the vocabulary. The must is made of the flashcards to memorize on the long run. We work at our pace. In addition, we can choose the subject. I find this method very interesting to improve and stay motivated.
I like the fact that it's very dynamic and not grammar focused. Also, having many videos to learn from makes it even less boring. I like to just watch each video one time, pause at each sentence and try to remember words and sentences.
The best thing about fluentu is that you have direct context for each new vocabulary that you learn. Repeating the dialogues is the way I learn.Also, that you can bring in your own vocabulary list and that the program searches for videos/material in which the words are included is phenomenal!
I appreciate being able to hear the pronunciation from a male and female voice. I find the daily review and repetition very helpful, being forced by that orange button to go back. I love getting points! The daily goal ding that says I'm done keeps me going and pushes me to persevere for longer than I thought possible. The different sentences with the same phrase/word are great to show how to use the word in a different context. I think the mix of Chinese characters and pinyin and great and well-balanced. I love the fact that I've only been doing this for less than a month and I already know dozens of useful phrases and words!
I love FluentU. I have used Rosetta Stone for a couple of years and FluentU is much better. It's so great to be able to mouse over a word and see the definition. I am progressing much more quickly at learning Chinese now. Thanks FluentU for creating such a great language learning tool.
I am an elementary teacher in a school with bilingual classes, and I love FluentU! I watch my videos and take my quizzes in the evening and get help from the bilingual students and their teachers during the day. The kids think it is so funny when I sing some of the songs from the videos as I try to talk to them! They cheer me on, and all the students in the school, bilingual or not, get to see an adult as a learner. It is such a joy! Thank you to everyone at FluentU for making learning a language so much fun!